PlateWire United States
{the voice of the road}

What is PlateWire?

PlateWire is a public repository and electronic forum of drivers by drivers. Using a drivers license plate, commuters can communicate their thoughts and feelings in regards to driving on today's roadways.

Award a good driver for their good deed Award
flag or warn a bad driver of their bad action Flag
notify a driver of a physical danger or hazard with their vehicle Hazard
send a flirtacious message to a driver you liked Wink

Wire Legend

Award Flag Wink Hazard

To "Award" a driver, is to say thanks to a driver for showing courtesy and thoughtfulness.

To "Flag" a driver, is to warn a driver of his/her rude and/or careless behavior that you have witnessed.

To "Wink" at a driver, is to send a flirtacious message to a driver you've encountered.

To "Hazard" a driver is to warn them of a physical hazard that their vehicle exhibits.

DDD 2009

posting bias

Since I’ve joined here I’ve really enjoyed reading the flags and participating in the blogs. I had considered writing yesterday what I’m about to do now but didn’t have enough time. Had a lunch meeting 60 miles away and then ended up working afterwards.


Every flag I read I carefully consider and try to piece together an image of what happened. All too frequently I’m left wondering what actually happened. I wonder more what did the person do to deserve the wrath of the driver they’re complaining about. Then I view the UPS video posted in the blog section this morning.


I watched the entire video, listened to the commentary and was left wondering at the end of the video who was real problem. My conclusion was, not the UPS driver. Srovets might have succeeded in getting someone providing for their family reprimanded because he either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care. Had he not had posted the video and written carefully constructed a flag we may have believed what he said. The video though tells a completely different story than his narration.


Over the past couple of days I’ve read a few flags which in some ways put into question the intention of the authors. Are they posting to vent their anger or are the posting to be informative.


One flag the author wrote he was sitting in a gas station and a woman cut in line. No, she should have done that but his reaction was to say he wanted to kill her. For what? Cutting in line?


Another, woman is apparently very upset because someone didn’t allow her to merge, I mean she did have her turn signal on and everyone must get out of her way. People have a funny way of deciding right and wrong. If they desire something it must be right?


I’m not going to beat this horse completely dead, most of you have read what I have here.


More often than not, I have to wonder what the poster did to escalate the situation. Nearly every time I’ve been in a confrontation on the road I’ve also done something to contribute to making it worse. I could have made the situation much better by making a different choice, not telling someone they’re number one or not saying something. Now, there have been exceptions but more often I’ve contributed to the problem.


Our own actions more often than not will play a role in how a situation will play out. I think in some ways driving brings out the absolute worst in all of us. We’re trying to get somewhere and have a schedule. Then someone we don’t know interferes with our plans. It doesn’t matter what their plans are, we care about ours more.


I’m not attempting to say there aren’t genuine self centered pathetic me first morons to deal with. Yes, there are. There are a large number of them in fact.


This site has made me far more aware of my own anger dealing with traffic situations. Sometimes I’ll read and think that’s happened to me, why are you so mad about it? Other times I’ll read and think that’s happened to me, why did I get so mad about it?


The UPS video really shows how clearly the inability of some to accurately describe an incident.


Saturday, February 17, 2007


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Well written, Techie...I think, out of the entire post, ONE word stands out........ESCALATION.

When we are faced with a driving situation, whether purposeful or not, we are faced with an immediate need for a reaction. The flying finger, the distorted angry face, the mouthed obscenities do nothing but escalate an already potentially harmful episode in our daily drives. It's like walking down the street, seeing a pool of gasoline on the sidewalk, and getting angered by it making you walk around, or deviate from your intended path. Does throwing a lit match on the pool help matters? Especially if the sidewalk happens to be crowded with others going in the same direction?

I don't know what then answer is....if I did, I'd be a wealthy man....but it does indicate that, perhaps, we need to look at our own reactive actions to otherwise insignificant events. (NO, I am not saying that ALL of the wires are insignificant...but you make the call!)


Saturday, February 17, 2007

I couldn't resist posting a reply before looking at the UPS video or the flags you have noted.

I, for one, deeply appreciate your carefully thought out response. It is sensible in all ways. The horridness of the 'interweb' is that anybody can say anything and there is no policing.  

Editing is the pervue of book publishers and critics.

But you have raised an important and powerful point. We should all 'walk a mile in the other man's shoes'. Also, we should attempt to learn from the misdeeds of others.

I like the fact that you feel that you have learned from this site. I believe that was it's purpose. That's why I hang around. . . .


Saturday, February 17, 2007

I, myself, feel like I am "learning" on here as well.

I try to take into consideration other driver's feelings more than I did in the past.

I'm not perfect and I make mistakes.

I do try not to cross "that" centerline (even when no one is around to 'see' me) because I know a vehicle might come into view at any moment.

When I post FLAGS, I try to simply state the facts relating to what I saw.

When I first started here, I would editorialize when FLAGGING and I try not to do that any more (Trooper "caught" me on that one).


Saturday, February 17, 2007

I also have attempted to state only facts in my Flags, not my personal feelings on the flagged driver.

I have also channeled my reactive anger into the more productive activity of trying to memorize the license #, make, model, and color of the car, so I can jot down notes at the next stop light.  Seems to be more productive and mature than screaming obscenties out the window (yes, I am one of those).


Saturday, February 17, 2007

LOL you guys!

3b2c, I know the post from Trooper that you've mentioned. I responded to him that we are human people and not robots. I think a little editorial commentary is helpful. It provides personality and vents anger.

I see his point, but we are not bureaucrats. With all due respect to Trooper, we are not a community trained in technical writing. So, I will advocate colorful writing when placing Flags.  


Saturday, February 17, 2007

We all are learning.  At least those of us that stick around.  I kinda thought that was why teach was here to teach us and learn (what little there is to for him) from us. ;-)


Anyway the paradigm shift ida isn't an entirely new concept.  Jesus brought it up over 2000 years ago, Ghandi advocated it and I'm sure there have been and will be others. 


Saturday, February 17, 2007


OK, back to the colorful FLAGS! 


Saturday, February 17, 2007

This is very well written and I appreciate the sentiments.  I observed, almost instantly, that a lot of the comments were all very angry and offensive... I try to be a little more objective in my flags in the hope that it will accomplish something.  Thank you! 

Mother Hen 

Saturday, February 17, 2007

These are the two incidents mentioned - don't read into this they are to worst I've seen here. Just two examples which came to mind.

Gas station (language warning)



Saturday, February 17, 2007

Continue in this thread if you wish to blog on the UPS Video. 


Saturday, February 17, 2007

re UPS:  Dude obviously couldn't get a life if it hit him in the head. 


Saturday, February 17, 2007

I personally wouldn't want to be associated with something like that -- and then to let it keep on going for almost a year - CRAZY!


Saturday, February 17, 2007

I also agree, after watching that video at least twice that the truck driver wasn't doing anything wrong.

As was stated, the "cameraman" was doing more "illegal" stuff -- apparently operating the camera, complaining that the truck is speeding when he himself was not only speeding (the same speed as the truck) but did, in fact, on certain occasions even speed up (faster) than the truck to get up close when he tried to read his plate. Meanwhile, talking on the cell phone while doing all of this.

Also what was stated in the blog section is that the trailers are not always pulled by the same driver.

I run into that quite a bit up here where I'll be following a logging truck and could wire the trailer plate, but never do because I know it would be useless.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

I agree with leaving the area, as I have previously stated on many occaisions, without reaction. This is highly consistent with the position not to escalate any adverse event. Besides, I use it as an excuse (good or bad?) to have fun with my supercharger ;o) ... 


Saturday, February 17, 2007


You are funny! Any excuse to put the pedal down! 

Hey, I would too if I had a car like that, you might as well ENJOY!

You "only go around once!"


Saturday, February 17, 2007



Saturday, February 17, 2007

Yeah, and pass that bowl around!









(just kidding) 


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Are we to LOVE so much that we don't flag anyone?

If so, why bother even having this site?

It may take more LOVE to wire someone and tell them they've done wrong so they can improve their driving.

Sometimes it is what is called "tough love."


Saturday, February 17, 2007

That's not the only video this guy posted on YouTube.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

 No.  Absolutely keep posting wires.  Just try to do so in a more loving way...wait that could get messy.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

No , I don't think we ALWAYS need to post post in luv.

Where's 'shots' been?

But, anger is functional.

Sometime a smack in the face is useful. Mercy sakes I have never enjoyed it, but upon reflection, it has proved to be improvingl.

Love is different from tact. Tact,mercy and looking at life from the eyes of the other person is important.

Can't we do both?


Saturday, February 17, 2007

No , I don't think we ALWAYS need to post post in luv.

Where's 'shots' been?

But, anger is functional.

Sometime a smack in the face is useful. Mercy sakes I have never enjoyed it, but upon reflection, it has proved to be improvingl.

Love is different from tact. Tact,mercy and looking at life from the eyes of the other person is important.

Can't we do both?


Sunday, February 18, 2007

I noticed shots has recently posted in PA but not here.

Perhaps he got tired of arguing with everyone about left/right lane usage back when that was (it seems like) all we discussed. 


Sunday, February 18, 2007

 Your absolutely right about tact Kel.  I couldn't think of how I wanted to phrase my response.  Thanks for the help.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

re: UPS video

It's interesting to note that the poster was complaining that the river was going over the 50 mph speed limit, yet he was doing the same.

Pot, kettle, black


Monday, February 19, 2007


3b2c I noticed the other videos. Over 400 of them. Many are dash cam videos, I didn’t watch any but I did read descriptions. Some of the videos were storm chasing videos.


Since I didn’t watch any of the videos I can’t say with certainty but wouldn’t storm chasing involve driving which isn’t all that safe?


I have no idea what he was griping about in regard to the UPS driver. I did read many of the comments on the youtube site about the video. They came to the same conclusion we did. But, he did mention in his original post


Ok, so this happened almost a year ago, but read the responses I've been getting from what appears to be other UPS drivers.


He probably thinks we’re all UPS drivers now as well. Damn UPS drivers are EVERYWHERE and they’re ruining my video! Waaaaaaa



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