PlateWire United States
{the voice of the road}

What is PlateWire?

PlateWire is a public repository and electronic forum of drivers by drivers. Using a drivers license plate, commuters can communicate their thoughts and feelings in regards to driving on today's roadways.

Award a good driver for their good deed Award
flag or warn a bad driver of their bad action Flag
notify a driver of a physical danger or hazard with their vehicle Hazard
send a flirtacious message to a driver you liked Wink

Wire Legend

Award Flag Wink Hazard

To "Award" a driver, is to say thanks to a driver for showing courtesy and thoughtfulness.

To "Flag" a driver, is to warn a driver of his/her rude and/or careless behavior that you have witnessed.

To "Wink" at a driver, is to send a flirtacious message to a driver you've encountered.

To "Hazard" a driver is to warn them of a physical hazard that their vehicle exhibits.

DDD 2009

What Would You Do?

 If you read one of my recent wires, you will see my complaint about the driver of a black Challenger at Wal-Mart in Brooklyn, Ohio.

Anyway, if anyone's interested, I'll go into a little more detail about the incident. I was waiting to turn north (right) onto Tiedeman Rd. around 5:15 PM. Anyone who lives in the Cleveland area knows how busy Tiedeman is at rush hour. It's just a matter of being patient and waiting for a gap in traffic.

Anyway, This guy in the Challenger was honking at me (along with a few others) because he thought I should pull into oncoming Tiedeman traffic. He was mouthing off at me. We both had our windows down, so I said "Don't you see the oncoming traffic? Do you want me to have an accident?" He then gives me the finger. Then he sped around me squealing the tires and drove away. I tried to take a picture of the car, but a Cadillac pulling in blocked my view.

Why are people so impatient? if he was in that big of a hurry, he could've gone out with the light on Brookpark Rd. Anyway, what would you have done? I'm surprised I kept my mouth clean with this guy,I don't know how I did it. 

Friday, August 17, 2012


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

 And traffic at that intersection is congested anyway, due to both Brookpark Road construction, as well as construction/remodeling at the Walmart.  I hate impatient drivers as well, especially in construction zones.


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