Aggressive Drivers
Why are there so many aggressive and dangerous drivers in Hawaii. I just returned from a honeymoon on Maui and the big island. On both islands I witnessed very unsafe drivers.
On Maui I drove the road to Hana twice and as a nice person I pulled over for local drivers where I could but I witnessed many huge trucks passing 3 or 4 cars at a time on blind narrow curves. On the bigland again I witnessed big trucks speeding in residential zones passing in no passing zones.
Aside from the vibe that they didn't want us there. I witnessed many other things as well like someone trying to sell me drugs. I just don't get it. It seems that with the petty theft of tourists belongings from cars and the way they drive plus other things that I know are occurring there can possibly be an impact their tourist economy. I don't want to see them go to a diet of Poy, Pineapples, or federal food aid.
Thursday, June 14, 2007