

The Voice of the Road

Flag: psycho

YTC9824 Pennsylvania
Thursday, July 15, 2010
PA YTC9824
white FORD  van
Phildelphia, Pennsylvania


Van came up behind me when I was in the correct travel lane WB on I76 where is splits into 3 lanes headed to WW Bridge, S Philly, or the airport. He was very close to my bumper and I slowed slightly to encourage him to back off my wheel. Not a good idea! He got frustrated because he could not get around me and in the tunnel he actually tried swerving into my car (a 2010 Infiniti) so I had to accelerate to get aheadand away from him and basically block him from ramming into my car by getting ahead of another truck. He then kept going at 90 mph weaving in and out of cars. I followed him up the Platt bridge as he almost caused several other accidents and took a picture of his license plate, then I pulled alongside him on 95 and snapped a picture of him. He was laughing hysterically. Totally creepy. He was a 40ish white male, perhaps eastern european descent, medium build, bad teeth.


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