

The Voice of the Road

Flag: Zig Zag Lead Foot

240-wps Washington
Thursday, June 21, 2012
WA 240-WPS
Black HONDA  Pilot
Seattle, Washington


What is with these drivers that love to tailgate and change lanes every possible moment they can? I'm driving along Sand Point Way toward the U District and out of nowhere this Honda Pilot driver speeds in out of nowhere to tailgate the vehicle in the next lane. It's obvious what he's about to do next, and sure enough, when there's enough space he immediately switches lanes. But there's another vehicle directly in front of him and you can actually see his frustrated body language. Eventually some space opens up so he darts right back into the left lane, passes and then before you know it is back in the right lane. He got pretty far ahead of me and I thought i had lost him, but a few lights later just before the U Village, there he was again, back in the other lane waiting at a red light. A couple lights later, what does he do? Changes back to the other lane yet again!


Posted by pisseddriver26 on Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wheelman is a f-cking retarded troll!!!!

Posted by BadWookiee on Thursday, June 21, 2012

Troll alert PD26. What a douche bag troll you are. Get a life fudge packer!

Posted by Missing Link on Saturday, June 23, 2012

pisseddriver26 is a f-cking retarded troll!!!!

Posted by 2c95cff8-85b3-4a32-9507-9b467c43558f on Friday, March 28, 2014 it here
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