

The Voice of the Road

Hazard: Nearly ran me off the parkway

YJT-912 Oregon
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
OR YJT-912
Blue JEEP  
Bend, Oregon


Who the fuck do you think you are trying to go in the left lane in the parkway when there's a solid line of traffic? I was right behind that motorcycle and YOU took it upon yourself to CHANGE LANES and nearly run me off the road!! You looked like a teen punk asshole that needs to go back and redo driver's ed. It won't matter much anyway; if you keep driving like that, you'll be dead in a wreck soon. If you wanted to change lanes, all you had to do is wait for me to go and then you go BEHIND THE TRAFFIC, ASSHOLE! Did you not hear my horn saying BACK THE FUCK OFF, I WAS THERE!


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