

The Voice of the Road

Flag: Tailgating & Weaving

161-YQZ Washington
Sunday, March 04, 2012
WA 161-YQZ
White BMW  X5
Seattle, Washington


Vehicles in both lanes are already going above the speed limit as it is, but apparently that's not fast enough for this BMW X5 driver who is entitled to drive at whatever hell speed he or she wants to, so what happens? He or she speed racers right next to the bumper of the car in front. Why? What is it with these self-important lead-footed drivers that they have to get right up behind the vehicle in front of them? You understand that if the car in front has to suddenly stop, there's a chance that one or both of you will die (hopefully it's only you)? If that wasn't enough for this entitled BMW driver, he or she also constantly changes lanes without signaling either. So once enough space cleared between the two cars in front (not safe space, mind you), BMW driver weaves over into the left lane without signaling, then accelerates even more to pass the original driver and get back in the right lane. But then approaching a light it's clear there are more vehicles waiting in the right lane than left, so entitled BMW driver gets back into the left lane, again without signaling. And this entitled BMW driver had to get back into the right lane because he or she had to turn right!


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