

The Voice of the Road

Flag: Parks like a moron

13-31551 Montana
Saturday, January 09, 2010
MT 13-31551
Bronze FORD  Pickup
Missoula, Montana


We came out of the mall to find this douche-bag parked about 6 inches from the drivers side of our vehicle. I had to go in through the passenger side and climb through to the driver's seat.
This vehicle is banged up a bit; probably because this retarded jackass goes around parking badly and doing other bad things.
We left this ass-faced loony a note expressing our disapproval of his parking job. Yes, I'm sure it's a he. It was one of your typical redneck tiny-penis trucks from the Bitterroot valley. Bastard. Rot in hell!


Posted by buttfish on Sunday, January 10, 2010

Usually, I pin-stripe any vehicle parking like that next to me! Usually, a HAPPY FACE on the door looks nice!

Posted by oddjob3422 on Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'd normally agree, as long as he was outside of his lines. If you were both right up against the dividing line, too bad.

Posted by kblackwell on Monday, January 11, 2010

The thing is, there was plenty of space on the other side of this twit. Any sane, responsible person could have parked in that space in a reasonable manner.

Posted by oddjob3422 on Tuesday, January 12, 2010

If you're saying he was between his lines, then I don't see the issue. There is no way of knowing what moron may have been on the other side of his car previously, when the parking was done. The way I figure it, if you are between the lines, game over, nobody has any business complaining.

Posted by 19f4cf0e-cdf2-4bbb-8a46-7708d7ace89c on Friday, March 28, 2014

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