

The Voice of the Road

Flag: Tiny Penis? Dodge Ram!

AGE-925 Montana
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
MT AGE-925
not sure DODGE  RAM Pickup
Missoula, Montana


I had the pleasure of following behind this a-hole last night.
A-hole is compensating for his physical inadequacies by driving a Big Dodge Ram (!!!) with what seems to be an intentionally loud muffler.
A-hole was seen "peeling out" at stop signs, making his Boy Toy scream in ecstasy, speeding through residential neighborhood.
Look At Me! Look At Me! I'm a Big Boy!


Posted by TomCat1346 on Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Got a few of those here in Conrad too, my friend! I feel like asking the city police to remind these tools about the city noise ordinances!

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