Let me get this straight.....you're pissed because someone chose to drive the posted speed limit??? You should be thanking that driver!
So do the same, change lanes go around and don't bitch, much less even post an invalid FLAG. Idiots drive way too fast on that stretch of the Peninsula. The shuttle should have moved over, but well within his rights at 65. People in this area still fail to "get it". They love to twist it (everyone's moving at 75+, so I have to as well).
This is a very valid post, as is the one below. Slower traffic should stay to the right, there are signs for this on every expressway I've ever traveled. If you see people on your ass, move the hell over! It's simple for the one car to move over and I don't see this as anything being twisted. If 100 drivers are doing 70-75 in a 65 and you're the only dork doing exactly 65 then who's the idiot? Surely not you, the one getting tailgated and flipped off. http://www.platewire.com/viewrate.aspx?rid=820
The flagger states this is on Northbound Highway 101. There are no signs on that stretch of freeway that states slower to the right. Unfortunately, in this area, the majority of drivers do not understand what slower to the right means. YES, THE SHUTTLE DRIVER SHOULD HAVE MOVED OVER. It is also simple to slow down and just go around, instead of getting a plate number and coming to post it on an internet site to chastise the individual. This going to continue to happen as long as you drive. It's better to react to it in a positive manner, rather than what you suggest (twist), do 70-75 in a 65, tailgate, flip people off, pop a vein.
PlateWire is a public repository and electronic forum of drivers by drivers. Using a drivers license plate, commuters can communicate their thoughts and feelings in regards to driving on today's roadways.