PlateWire United States
{the voice of the road}

What is PlateWire?

PlateWire is a public repository and electronic forum of drivers by drivers. Using a drivers license plate, commuters can communicate their thoughts and feelings in regards to driving on today's roadways.

Award a good driver for their good deed Award
flag or warn a bad driver of their bad action Flag
notify a driver of a physical danger or hazard with their vehicle Hazard
send a flirtacious message to a driver you liked Wink

Wire Legend

Award Flag Wink Hazard

To "Award" a driver, is to say thanks to a driver for showing courtesy and thoughtfulness.

To "Flag" a driver, is to warn a driver of his/her rude and/or careless behavior that you have witnessed.

To "Wink" at a driver, is to send a flirtacious message to a driver you've encountered.

To "Hazard" a driver is to warn them of a physical hazard that their vehicle exhibits.

DDD 2009

Pussy - not a cat - behind the wheel

Idiot T274196 blocking the left lane, everybody has to go around him while he makes his phone call, those trying to go around him are trying to squeeze into the middle lane to pass the goof, who is oblivious. Ah, but when he finishes his phone call to his mommy, then he speeds up and starts flipping off the long line of cars that had to pass him. Oh yeah, and he did it in a real manly way! Flipping people off without having the nads to look at them makes you a pussy for life.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Saturday, October 08, 2011

 found yourself a psycho cat!  There are times at that point I would have to on purposely throw my car in front of that idiot and not let him pass for the life of me.  hate to say it, but road rage can go both ways.  The type that is all facebook to him, because HE'S the MAN!  Look at me, I'm making a call, now I'm off the call, out of MY WAY!


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