PlateWire United States
{the voice of the road}

What is PlateWire?

PlateWire is a public repository and electronic forum of drivers by drivers. Using a drivers license plate, commuters can communicate their thoughts and feelings in regards to driving on today's roadways.

Award a good driver for their good deed Award
flag or warn a bad driver of their bad action Flag
notify a driver of a physical danger or hazard with their vehicle Hazard
send a flirtacious message to a driver you liked Wink

Wire Legend

Award Flag Wink Hazard

To "Award" a driver, is to say thanks to a driver for showing courtesy and thoughtfulness.

To "Flag" a driver, is to warn a driver of his/her rude and/or careless behavior that you have witnessed.

To "Wink" at a driver, is to send a flirtacious message to a driver you've encountered.

To "Hazard" a driver is to warn them of a physical hazard that their vehicle exhibits.

DDD 2009

With a KID in his car!!

 Crazy psycho man on the lose on 83!! 

I was driving to work today and made a lane change, turn signal included. Next thing I know the guy behind me blares his horn and starts gesticulating (yah, the finger).

I waved to apologize for my imaginary transgression. Sometimes it's just better to try and calm the situation down! 

Anyhow, that didn't work. He went nuts and started Nascar drafting on my tailgate. I changed lanes again and passed a car in order to put distance between us. He tried to do the same but the good samaritan I passed closed the gap and rode beside another car to block him. He again went nuts blaring his horn, flipping people off everywhere and tailgating.

I figured this was the end of it but of course not. I got to the light at 83 right before the I-25 entrance and he pulls up beside me and rolls down all windows on is side.

To my amazement there is a young man sitting in the passenger seat beside him. Yeah a KID!  He screams every profanity in the book at me. I finally pick up my cell phone, wind down my window and tell him I'm calling the police. He screams and cusses some more (yes, in front of this child he has as a passenger), flips me off and takes off.

So I did call the police but since we were in different directions now (I got on I-25, he turned left) they did nothing. They told me I could go enter an official report (I may later today but I'm pregnant and usually pretty tired after a long day at work). I'm disappointed the police would not take a report of an aggressive driver over the phone. I thought Colorado had a 3 reports and you get a warning rule but apparently not.

Anyhow - he drove a Black Mercedes SUV with license plate 098 PXB. Watch out for this nut case and his poor child.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


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