PlateWire United States
{the voice of the road}

What is PlateWire?

PlateWire is a public repository and electronic forum of drivers by drivers. Using a drivers license plate, commuters can communicate their thoughts and feelings in regards to driving on today's roadways.

Award a good driver for their good deed Award
flag or warn a bad driver of their bad action Flag
notify a driver of a physical danger or hazard with their vehicle Hazard
send a flirtacious message to a driver you liked Wink

Wire Legend

Award Flag Wink Hazard

To "Award" a driver, is to say thanks to a driver for showing courtesy and thoughtfulness.

To "Flag" a driver, is to warn a driver of his/her rude and/or careless behavior that you have witnessed.

To "Wink" at a driver, is to send a flirtacious message to a driver you've encountered.

To "Hazard" a driver is to warn them of a physical hazard that their vehicle exhibits.

DDD 2009

sick of it

i am sick to death of the kind and considerate butt holes that travel Celenese Rd in Rock Hill.  try to understand this concept.  if you need to use the right lane to enter 77 Northbound then do not cut people off 50 feet before the entrance.  get in the proper lane before it is necessary.  you know you need to get in line like the rest of us and wait your turn.  i realized this is a new concept for ignorant and uneducationed southerners thinking that they are driving for NASCAR or running moonshine but i thought there was such a thing as southern hospitality.  i guess that applies to everything but driving?  lets not even get started about traveling on the interstates in and around Charlotte.  Not every accident is a sightseeing attraction.  Just because it bleeds does not mean you need to stare at the injured parties like a sideshow attraction.  think about how you would feel...oh wait a minute that is right you don't understand the analytical process.  and what is with the imaginary line that everything behind the line is backed up to the stateline and everything over the line is free and clear.  there was never an accident or anything.  folks pick a lane and stay there but if you must change lanes USE YOUR FREAKING TURN SIGNALS YOU KNOW THEY COME FREE WITH THE CAR.  I REALIZE THAT THE MENTALITY AND INTELLECT IS LACKING BUT IF YOU CAN US THE INTERNET TO FIND A NASCAR RACE YOU CAN USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS.  PLEASE TAKE THE CAR OWNERS CLASS THAT SHOWS YOU HOW TO USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS.  THE NOVELTY IS IT MIGHT JUST SAVE YOUR LIFE!  WOW SAVING A LIFE!  now that i have your attention please pay attention.  one more thing STAY OFF THE FREAKING CELLPHONE AND QUIT PUTTING YOUR MAKE-UP ON.  please!!!!! again the life you save maybe your own.  folks get a grip drive to arrive in one piece and it is not lets see who gets their first.  winning is arriving alive!!!

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Friday, March 07, 2008

I understand your frustration with these idiot drivers, who are putting everyone at risk with their no driving asses, but really, do you think they are all from the south and watch NASCAR?  I am an excellent driver, I am from the south and I do watch NASCAR.  Just thought you should know, not all us NASCAR watching southerners drive like complete idiots!! 


Monday, May 12, 2008

God bless you tiredofit!! I used to live in York and would have to travel Celanese to 77N as I worked in Charlotte and I saw this same nonsense everyday. It was the same cars over and over that would wait until the last possible moment and a) cut someone off to get over or b) sit there on celanese holding up people behind them until someone was kind enough to let them over. I would simply ride the line, get my car over as far as possible and stay on the person in front of me's ass so make sure no one was doing that to me! Here are 2 cars that I remember: silver kia suv license plate ALOVESB and a silver toyota 4runner, come to find out that dumb girl worked in the building next to mine. The same issues when coming home. Traffic backed up over that bridge on 77S to merge on Celanese and idiots would just fly up and cut people off to get over rather than waiting in line like everyone else. Hello!! We are wanting to hurry up and get home too! I realized that in Charlotte everyone drives like they are in nascar no matter whether they are native or not (I'm from MD where people actually had to pass drivers ed to get a license, not sure about everyone else). Unfortunately no one here in Spartanburg knows what a turn signal is either or how to use one. Good luck to you, I certainly don't miss that commute.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sorry, I made a mistake re: license plate ALOVESB, it's actually a green kia not silver. I also believe the dumb silver 4 runner had that piece of shit sc pride palmetto tree sticker on her rear window. 


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

      I know what you are talking about.  I get livid about the way many folks drive around here.  Not sure about your quote " i realized this is a new concept for ignorant and uneducationed southerners thinking that they are driving for NASCAR or running moonshine but i thought there was such a thing as southern hospitality"  

     That would be like me saying, "If you do not like it, take your carpet bagging ass back to the North." 
But then again, I'm using my Southern hospitality and would NEVER stereo type ya"ll yankees!


Friday, July 30, 2010

 People that cut you off in traffic with moves like that feel like they are MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU! They feel like they should not have to wait their turn. If they are that ballsy, I say that they should go to the DMV office and cut to the front of the line there.


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