PlateWire United States
{the voice of the road}

What is PlateWire?

PlateWire is a public repository and electronic forum of drivers by drivers. Using a drivers license plate, commuters can communicate their thoughts and feelings in regards to driving on today's roadways.

Award a good driver for their good deed Award
flag or warn a bad driver of their bad action Flag
notify a driver of a physical danger or hazard with their vehicle Hazard
send a flirtacious message to a driver you liked Wink

Wire Legend

Award Flag Wink Hazard

To "Award" a driver, is to say thanks to a driver for showing courtesy and thoughtfulness.

To "Flag" a driver, is to warn a driver of his/her rude and/or careless behavior that you have witnessed.

To "Wink" at a driver, is to send a flirtacious message to a driver you've encountered.

To "Hazard" a driver is to warn them of a physical hazard that their vehicle exhibits.

DDD 2009

To the driver of the oversized red pickup at Polaris:

 1.  You don't get to cut in line.  I had waited for 3 whole lights in the left turn lane, and you come up in the right turn lane and try to cut me off.  Nope, I don't think so.

2.  If you're turning left, you need to be in the left turn lane.  I don't care if the line is 50 cars long.  I had to wait, so do you.

3.  When you try to cut somebody off and it is clear that they aren't going to let you, you do NOT get to try to "force" your way in anyway.  This is known as "vehicular assault", and is illegal.

4.  Just because your turn signal is on, does not mean I am obligated to let you in.  You especially don't get to be rude and aggressive about it, when you are the one who is trying to cut in.  You're expecting other drivers to be "courteous" enough to let you in when you are a rude arrogant bastard?  Nope, I don't think so.

5.  Just because your vehicle is bigger than mine, does not mean you get to try to force me off the road.  I am not intimidated by your oversized vehicle that is clearly compensating for some other shortcoming.  Go ahead, hit me.  I'll let your insurance company make me rich while you rot in jail.

6.  Just because somebody doesn't let you cut them off, does not mean you get to cuss them out after the fact.  YOU were in the wrong for trying to cut me off, so F YOU.  Sorry I wasn't the pushover you expected me to be.

7.  After the fact, at a red light, you yelled something out your window about "we're here at the same time, was it worth it?"  I don't care, it's not a race.  That's not the point, the point wasn't for me to "beat" you to the next light.  The point was, I was in the correct lane, you were not.  You tried to forcefully cut me off, and I didn't let you.  YOU are the A hole, not me.  It's not an issue of timeliness, it's an issue of principle.  You tried to cut in line, I didn't let you.  You lose.  You were in the wrong, get over it. 

8.  You're lucky I didn't follow you.  I had half a mind to do so.  Fortunately for you, my wife wouldn't let me.  Next time you might not be so lucky, my wife might not be with me. 

9.  Think twice before trying to cut somebody off.  Next time you should pick a less aggressive target, like a little old lady driving a Buick.  Sometimes I am courteous, to other courteous drivers.  You were rude, I was not obligated to be courteous to you.  Besides, I had already fulfilled my 'niceness' quota for the day with other less rude drivers.  By the time your arrogant arse came around, I had already run out of patience and courtesy, and your rudeness made me question why I had even bothered to be courteous to anyone else in the first place.  If I thought for one second that the drivers I was "letting in" were anything like you, I would never let anybody cut in front of me again.

10.  You're a rude jackass and a bad driver.  I hope you flip that oversized junker and roll it over 17 times, rendering you unable to ever drive again.  It would be fitting. 

Don't F with me.  Just because I drive a smaller car, does not mean I'm a passive driver or that I'm intimidated by people like you.  I'm very aggressive and potentially violent, especially when somebody thinks they can bully me.  I'm usually armed, and I'm not afraid to follow people to their destinations if need be.  You got lucky this time.  Don't push it.

arggghhh people can't drive
Sunday, December 13, 2009


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Aggressive drivers piss me off as well. A lot of road rage can be eliminated if people use common sense, such as keeping right except to pass, and allow anyone who wishes to use the left lane as "his own personal speedway" to let him go (at least until the police or state troopers catch up with him). Speeding in the left lane is a no-no as well, but don't "brake check" or slow down-you'd be holding up other traffic behind that speeding moron, and if a rear end collision does occur, both the speeder and the brake checker would be at fault...keep right except to pass. Also, if you are putzing around at 50-55 miles per hour in the left lane, when the speed limit is 65, you are asking to be tailgated or cut off. Usually it's those "old lady driving a Buick" types, but some people like to play traffic cop, driving slow if someone is tailgating him, but speeding up if the tailgater attempts to pass him on the right. Cutting someone off is wrong as well...I try to at least allow enough room to get in safely (at least 2 car lengths) if I do find myself passing a left lane slowpoke on the right. I then return to the right lane, after passing the slower driver, when it's safe to do so. Again, keep right except to pass, and don't putz in the left lane. This will eliminate a lot of road rage. Another thing is when someone continues to sit at a traffic light, even when the light turns green. The driver may be engaged in conversation, either on a cell phone or with other passengers in his vehicle. I typically use the 10 second rule in these cases, before blowing the horn. In some cases, the driver would give me the one finger salute; in other cases, they're waiting to turn right or left, but NOT using their turn signal. If you are stopped at a light, and waiting to make a turn, please use your frigging turn signal! Also, if you are armed, be careful. That "old lady driving a Buick" could be armed as well...especially if her name is "Madea Simmons". Use (or threaten someone) with that weapon and you could be going to jail. Firearms should not be in vehicles unless you are the police/sheriff/state highway patrol, or have a concealed carry permit. Following someone home or elsewhere (who you feel is driving erratically) is the same as menacing by stalking. That could get you in trouble as well. Lastly, I do agree with you. Drivers who drive like jackasses annoy me as well. But I try to steer clear from them. I'd rather get to my destination safely than to get into some road rage incident with someone who is in his own little world when he's in his vehicle and lost in either his music, his cell phone conversation, or both.


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